Monday, May 26, 2008

Fresh Picked Mussels

Zachary and I went out to pick mussels for dinner yesterday morning. Jake was fishing, in hopes of snagging a early mackerel.

Mussels were in abundance at low tide very early in the morning. We filled a small bucket, added sea water and topped it with ice till late afternoon.

Then it was time to clean them.

It is a thankless job, and one that Walter usually does. He was not there this weekend so I pulled them out and started scrubbing and pulling out beards. Zachary ran in and asked if he could help.

He quickly realized that the ones he picked with barnacles on them might have been larger but were not worth the effort to clean. This was a good first lesson.

I learned that some of the smaller ones took as much time to clean but were by far the tastiest and sweetest to eat.

My friend Susan asked me if I actually used china and cloth napkins in DownEast Maine.

Yes. We use paper ones at breakfast and lunch, though.

Is that really all that strange?

I wimped out in the final prep of the mussels and while I diced and chopped and got everything ready, I had Donald cook the mussels. I couldn't stand the thought of overcooking something that took so long to get ready.

Dinner was delicious. Thank you, Donald for your help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was great spending time with you all over the weekend. was glad to help! least i could do for all the cocktails that i drank!

looking forward to seeing you all on saturday at the big birthday bash!!

7:41 AM  
Blogger Ursa said...

That's an awesome cutting board! And your meal sounds delicious.

8:20 PM  

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