Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drive for Equality in Maine

I have been asked to promote the drive for equality, getting folks into Maine to help get out the vote! So... here it is! All my blog friends, PLEASE repost!

Dear friend,

Can you drive or rideshare to Maine to defeat Question 1? We need you for our Get-Out-the-Vote volunteer shifts from Friday the 30th through Election Day, November 3rd.

Taking a day or half-day trip here is crucial in these final days. Now we're making it much easier for some of you to join us for a little longer.

We're giving hundreds of you a FREE night stay in a Portland hotel.

You can work a couple shifts on Saturday, get a good night of sleep, then grab a Sunday morning shift before heading home. You need to commit to at least two volunteer shifts for the first night. You can stay one night or all five if you are able to keep volunteering each day. Stay as many nights as you can!
ALL of our out-of-state volunteers should register at Drive for To take advantage of the free housing offer, you MUST sign up at Drive for Hotel availability will be verified with you at least 24-48 hours before you leave home.

Can you come to Maine for at least a half-day or longer to protect equality?

It doesn't matter if you have a car or not – when you sign up at Drive for just check the rideshare box to connect with a driver or with passengers to share the trip and split the gas. Our secure anonymous system let's you post a personal message with your name and location while keeping your contact information private.

Now is the most critical period of this election precisely because together we've identified tens of thousands of supporters. Now we need to verify that those supporters actually vote. Face to face contact is by far the best way to do this.

No experience is required. If you are traveling as a group, or in a carpool, we can usually match you in a shared room. Marriage equality has lost 30 consecutive elections. We're SO close to winning...and losing...again.

Both us and our opponents have the statistically the same number of supporters. The winner will be the one who get's their supporters to the polling place. We NEED your help.

Your short trip CAN make the difference. Join us for GOTV:


Jay Cash
Director, Drive for Equality


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