Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Clinton Watch

Dinner is finished... it's very quiet now. The boys have fallen asleep to the drone of the convention on the radio. I'm waiting to hear Clinton speak tonight. I'm not going to get every facial twitch or smile or wince. I think it's better this way.

Clinton isn't going to fix the world with a single speech, as she didn't hatch a career overnight. The pressure is on, though, for her to do so. The buzz in the news, over and over again, is Clinton versus Obama.

As a Clinton supporter- because I am not a former one, I will continue to support her as the Senator from New York- all I can do is roll my eyes. The pressure on this woman to perform a miracle is beyond my imagination. Not only did she suffer the loss of the nomination, now- as all women often must- she has to clean up the mess.

Damn. Remind me to stay out of politics- I'm no where near that gracious. I'd go and say what I think. I'd push my former foe, push him to recognize my ideals.

Clinton can't do that.

It's a shame, you know. All this ass kissing makes us weaker as a party, not stronger.

We'll see.

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Blogger Christy said...

I'm patiently waiting for HRC to make "the speech". I'm extremely curious to see if she sell it, or if she doesn't. I'll check back later!

10:27 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

I think she rocked it.

Be glad you were listening, instead of viewing. The orange pantsuit was super distracting.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she did awesom!

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome, that is!

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i log onto aol to check my email, and i see this...

"Clinton Warmly Praises Her Ex-Rival
Did She Do Enough to Unite the Party?"

This woman has not and cannot catch a break. If a Democrat sneezes, and no one is there to offer a tissue- it's Clinton's fault. So sick of it!

7:46 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

She totally rocked it. She was awesome, did everything anyone could possibly expect.

Fuck 'em all if they don't think so. I was so proud to be a supporter...

I also loved Deval Patrick's speech. On NPR, they mentioned that his daughter katherine, who he mentioned, was an "out lesbian."

as opposed to????

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Hillary was brilliant last night. I voted for Barack yet I also love what she stands for and as she said to her supporters "did you vote just for me or for what we believe in". John McCain is as far from Hillary's values as you can get.

Barack and Hillary have been the most inspired and brilliant democratic candidates I have seen in my lifetime. We cannot lose this election. I was very relieved to feel that we can perhaps be more united from now until November.

9:16 AM  

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