Thursday, November 09, 2006

Moonlit Night

A friend wrote me and said, don’t look too hard for a sign in Florida. Sometimes it’s just a song on the radio. Rejuvenate. Be at peace.

Last night,the moon was almost full. The shrimp boats out. I sat on the porch and talked to my mother. I told her about the amazing change in the country. Bush with his tail between his legs. And how important it is to keep all those damn politicians on track. There was so much to make up for but there cannot be a single day of rest. When we relax, we end up with Clinton style compromise.

We always agreed on politics.

I told her the condo remodeling looks just as she described. Ben is going to love it. I told her I threw away her ashtrays. I mean… could you have at least washed them out before leaving them here, locked away in a closed up house? Yuck.

I told her I missed her. But it was much easier talking to her this way- I could dream her responses. And the dream comes from the time we were close. The best time.

Of course, the neighbors probably think I’m nuts, out on the porch babbling away. The first night we ever sat out on the porch- my sister, my sister in law, my mother and I- were laughing and going on talking away. We heard someone three stories up cough a little and realized we were being very loud.

Didn’t stop us.

It is easy to be here. I'm grateful to be here.

Thanks, Mom. What a gift.


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