And I am Thankful For...
Sometimes, at Thanksgiving dinner, we all write down something we are thankful for on a piece of paper. Then put all the pieces in a hat and draw one to read.
It was a ritual introduced to us a few years ago by good friends. It's fun to do.
A few things I could put in the hat...
I am thankful for three healthy kids. In all of the chaos of daily life, of schlepping here and there, I forget that all my kids have their health, use of all their limbs, senses.
I am thankful for a wife I not only love but I actually like. We are not together because it's easier or more convenient or for the kids, or for the money, or for so many reasons people stay married even when they no longer like each other. Love is a different thing- I know many couples who are divorced who still love each other on some level, mostly because they share wonderful children. Jeanine and I are together because we sincerely, and deeply like to be together.
I am thankful for Chubby Hubby ice cream. Who ever thought of putting vanilla malt ice cream with fudge and peanut butter swirls and threw in chocolate covered, peanut butter filled, pretzels deserves some sort of medal. I'm not entirely grateful for the way it clings to my waist but sacrifices sometimes have to be made.
I am thankful for good friends. I have so many people in my life who love me for who I am, even with my sarcastic mouth and bossy demeanor. The people who know me well enough that they giggle when anyone refers to me as "butch" and have watched me transform from a part time QA software tester to a full time mom and writer.
I am thankful that every time I turn the faucet on, I get clean, drinkable water- enough to wash my clothes, my dishes, my self, not to mention all my children. Every day. No matter what.
Mostly? I'm thankful to be alive. There have been times in my life when I did not think I could take one more step, have one more nightmare, or live through one more anxiety filled day. I did, with the support of so many. It sounds corny but I mean it. So many who have lived through the same experiences don't make it out alive, or don't make it out whole, living broken lives in never ending pain.
I live a blessed life. It's never enough to say thank you... but it's a start.
Happy Thanksgiving!